some thoughts

I’ve missed my moment,
I’ve missed my chance.
I’ve shrugged everything off
At the very first glance.
I was told I deserved better
So better I sought.
But further from better
Is all that I’ve got.
I would turn around
But I’m too scared to go back.
For courage and strength
Is something I lack.
Maybe I’ll sit for awhile;
Gaze at the clouds then the stars.
And let my mind wonder,
For that’s all that we are.
Oh what a glorious moment,
To just sit and just think.
It’ll make you desire more paper,
More ink.
And by the time you’ve noticed,
Time will have passed you by.
Maybe better isn’t so far,
Maybe better I should try.
♠ ♠ ♠
Any feedback on any piece of my writing is more than greatly appreciated. :)