Here's to You

I did it again,
Another stupid win
Not on my side of course,
But still my remorse.
I did it again,
My stupid kin,
No offense,
Its just defense.
I’m sorry,
I did it again.
And I wont get away this time,
For its time to face the justice,
And for it to be righteous.
I did it again.
I wished and cared for men.
Hid the feelings so well I didn’t know then.
But understand this,
I surely did miss,
We argues we shared,
All vulgar and scared,
To show that we cared.
And I hoped for a friend,
But ended unhinged.
And I won’t go unpunished
For breaking the rules,
Of befriending humans,
That selfishly know.
Whether good or bad,
I underestimate the power of said.
And I’m scarred for a friend,
I wished I never had.