Beauty Is Pain

True Beauty is inside, True Beauty is striving for what you want to gain..... True Beauty is Pain. True Beauty is to be able to do what you set your mind to It's being able to break down that door that everyone said you couldn't make it through. It's being able to climb that wall, Even though everyone tried their best to bring you down, trip, stumble, and make you fall. You still get back up, And strive for what you want to gain, Because True Beauty is Pain. True Beauty is to be able to shut the world out at a point in Time, And do what you should, And to do everything you thought you never could , To do what they thought you never would, And continue to stand where you first stood. And to still have that strength deep within. It's to rise above all who try to pull you down. And finally, when it's all done, you'll find that you no longer have to strive, Because there is nothing left to gain, Because you have now experienced True Beauty and it's Pain..... And You Are Now Truly Beautiful!