
I'm sure we have all done things that we regret.
Have all done things that made no sense,
That just happened,
That we didn't even want to happen?
Yeah it's typical.
It's human nature.
It's normal.
Have we hurt people in the process?
Have we hurt ourselves?
Have we regretted every single moment?
Fuck yeah.
The most important question is why.
Why did I do it?
Why did I think it would be okay?
Why did I think that they would not even give a fuck?
The answer to all these questions?
I really didn't care at the time.
But you know what's even worse?
When we accuse others of what we have done.
I've accused people of shit that I've done but I've also accused people of shit that I would never ever dream of because I know how much it hurts.
When you're on the receiving end of this much pain, it hurts.
You wonder how the fuck they can do this to you.
Both of them.
How could they do that?
Didn't they love you?
Weren't they worried about hurting you?
Not at the time.
You truly did not matter to them.
But then again,
Didn't I make it worse?
Was it really such a big deal?
To some people yeah,
To others not so much.
But when it truly comes down to it,
Do I love them enough to forgive them?
Did I care that much that I can't handle it?
Does it still hurt?
Do I still worry?
Yeah to some.
No to others.
But really?
Hmm who actually knows.
Everyone reacts differently.
Everyone makes different decisions.
Everyone is different.
So really is it all that big of a deal?
But is it forgivable?
Can people be trusted afterwards?
Either way we have all done things that we regret,
Things that shouldn't have happened.
And really there's nothing we can do about it.
Absolutely nothing we can do..