On Venturing into Nature

Today I took a gentle stroll.
I left the man-made, geometrically sound cave called “house,”
I ventured into the majestic majesty of Mother Nature,
And I was immediately met with the warmest of embraces.

The world around me was abuzz with astonishing life!
Birds, bees, butterflies, trees!
And the colors!
In any given direction, one could effortlessly pinpoint each and every color that our rods and cones are capable of internalizing.

I forged ahead.
As I walked I had a listless thought:
Life is full of peaks and troughs.
Everything you’re accustomed to has the potential to destroy you.
There’s no way to escape the void.

But then I looked around.
I gazed into the immaculate scenery that engulfed every aspect of my life,
And I had a revelation.
Nature is an exception!
Regardless of any and all circumstances, a tree will never cease to support you.
A field of grass will never refuse to share a loving hug.
A flower will never rob you of its tantalizing scent.
And at the end of your days, when you’re nearest to the void, nature will gladly welcome you to join her as an immortal bough within the grand tree of perpetual peace.
I accepted my inevitable fate with a smile.
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Hope you like it! Send me a message anytime, I love to chat with everyone!