I Won't Change for Just You

Discontently, you shake your head
I know you hate me
And wish me dead
I hate that feeling
I wish you’d stop
But you’ll go on hating
I’ll quit my job

-there’s so much you don’t know about me
I have this wild life inside
A whole world I’m creating
But the real world is killing me inside
Oh, I wish things were different
I want to be the same
But the similarities kill us
Because you still don’t know my name-

I wish you knew me
You never will
You’re so controlling
Take a chill
I try to change, but
It’s not me
I stand there quiet
But I so want to be

-I want to be, a part, so much a part
Of the conversations that everyone’s having
I’m always left out of the circle
I stand a dot a lone
And when I join in
The heard just breaks up
And again I stand alone.
Will it ever stop?
Will people ever change?
Or is it me who has to ruin my life
Just to be the same?-

I tell you no
I’ll never let go
I am who I am
And that’s where I take my stand!