For The Lost

Corpse in a coffin
Cold, stiff deceased
Come and pay respects
For the spirit's been released

Fly up and away
To those big pearly gates
Or down to eternal torture
Where you'll meet the Fates

Welcome from St. Peter
Wrapped in God's grace
Or residing with the demons
Laughing in your face

Did you befriend the lonely?
We're your intentions always good?
Will God be pleased with you
Or will you stand where Satan stood?

Eternal darkness stirring
Weeping everywhere
While you're gnashing your teeth
Sadly God will stare

Merely otherworldly
Heaven and Hell are not
They are present in his world
In this Earthly melting pot

And when God stares down sadly,
He's staring down at you
Wishing you'd accept Him
Let Him share what you've been through

He wishes you to feast
At His heavenly banquet of three
Father, Son, and Spirit
The Holy Trinity

So step out of the coffin
And begin your life anew
God is waiting with forgiveness
And the forgiveness is for you