Urban Theory

Hold a coin up to the sky
Here a million buildings lie
Try to explore; you won’t go far
Light runs through the city, a beautiful scar
Turn down Andromeda Alley and to Milky Way
And that’s where we are; here to stay
Whirlpools and pinwheels
The city’s best deals

Objects and clouds
Are watched by the crowds
We watch as large builds explode
So, so far from our humble home
But don’t fear
New buildings come up every year
Because this is the city
The endless city

Skyscrapers too large for us alone to see
Clusters of buildings we will never be
Things stretch too far for the eye
Watch as endless night goes by
If believing is seeing, then why can’t we sight
…Nearly everything within the city’s night?

♠ ♠ ♠
Everything in this poem has something to do with space.