
As cold as the winter night,
As fierce as a tiger.
The bitterness in you,
Is like millions of prickly pins poking.

Only you stand in my way,
Only you block me from my goal,
From happiness, but your glares can kill,
Can send a freezing breeze through my soul.

To think that we were friends,
Makes me shake my head.
You used to be my hero,
But now you're just a villain.

Your kind words were fake,
Your warm welcomes, too.
Deceiving me, fooling me,
Into believing you were true.

What you did hurt,
Changed me completely,
Now I'm totally different,
But this is me.

You can't hurt me anymore,
I've become immune,
To your harsh words,
To your silly tricks.

The damage is done,
I can't change that,
But just you listen to me,
I'm not your doormat.