Cheer Up

You are improbable.
The odds of your existence are nothing.
Yet reading this, I assure you that you do exist.
So cheer up, dear friend.
Cheer up!

You are stardust.
Without some distant star,
Secluded through both space and time,
Reaching the end of its days,
You would not be here.
The very atoms that compose you,
Compose all your ethereal beauty,
Would not be here.
But they are here.
So cheer up, dear friend.
Cheer up!

You are extraordinary.
In a universe driven by chaos,
Chaos that guarantees ultimate annihilation,
Your body operates with impeccable order.
So cheer up, dear friend.
Cheer up!

You are complicated.
The systems that comprise you are unbelievably complex,
Unmistakably independent,
And laced with volatile chemicals.
But they all manage to function harmoniously as one.
So cheer up, dear friend.
Cheer up!

You will perish.
Eventually your spirit will grow far too large for your body.
Your complex systems will no longer sustain you.
You will return to stardust,
Rejoin the Universe,
As an eternal part of everything.
Bound to nothing.
Bound to tranquility.
So cheer up, dearest friend!
Cheer up!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it! Send me a message anytime! :)