And I don't care who hears me sing
And I don't care wnat they think of me
I bet they are as strange as I am too
They should look in the mirror
before they judge me to soon

So I'm weird and I'm loud
I don't care cause I'm proud
Proud of me of who I am
I love everything about me
Right down to my crap!

Look at me up and down
with your snotty face
and your ugly frown
Judging me of how I look
Incase you don't know what
that means it means FUCK YOU!

Keep moving on because I don't
need people like you to come along
I need people who are fun
who put up with my stupid stuff

I'm Ana Banana, think that's silly?
Well I do to, that's who I am a silly goose
Think that's stupid well again PINKY YOU!

Pinky you was this joke me and my sister made up when we were young so our parents wouldn't notice when we were flicking each other off