Can't You See?

Shed a couple tears,
I'm done crying,
Pushing people away,
I'm done trying,
I always do the stupidest things,
and I don't think before I act.
I sometimes wonder why people put up with me,
or why they even care.
I'm torn and messed up,
I hide what I'm truly feeling.
Do you even see the broken girl behind the smile?
I do because I'm her,
I hide my true feelings,
and you can't tell I'm so torn because I hide them so well,
I smile and act happy for them,
my family.
I've already put them through enough,
I know they can't take anymore.
I keep my feelings to myself,
I hide in the shadows,
My music is my release,
without it I would be nothing,
I would be even more broken.
Discovering Avenged Sevenfold was a miracle,
their music saved me from myself many times.
Whenever I'm down I blast my music and get lost in a fantasy wortld,
A fantasy world so amazing,
it's too good to be true.
Sometimes I wish I could stay in that fantasy world,
But I know I have to come back to reality,
A reality I don't want to face,
A reality far too real for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was the first poem I ever wrote and I haven't went back and revised it yet. Tell me what you think. :)