Thoughts of the Mind

When you dive deep
Into the mind
Of a thinker deep in thought,
Beyond the surface you willl find
That people think a lot

They think about love,
They think about joy,
Guys think about girls,
Girls think about boys.

They ponder and cogitate
The wonders of life.
They ponder their fears,
Their struggles, their strife.

They think about things
They've thought about before
They think about questions,
Predictions, and more.

They think about pictures
They create in their minds
And they draw inferences
From observations they find.

Sometimes I
think about why I'm
thinking of, What I'm thinking
about. But in the end, I love
to think, about that there
is no doubt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this forever ago in my 8th grade English class and I was really proud of it. I got a 100% It is supposed to be like a concrete poem in the shape of a question mark, but I can't get it to do that on here.