My Novel

His life was like a novel and I read it everyday,
Captured and repulsed with every turning of the page,
My opinion of him constantly at sway,
I guess it all depended on how he was portrayed,
Though it sounds like I couldn’t make a decision,
I was far away from any indifference,
I stood fascinated by his writing precision,
And soon it turned into a love for his brilliance,
To the point I was quoting line by line sentence by sentence,
Guilty of being engulfed into the story line beyond any repentance,
His life though different from what I’ve come to know,
Was some how a synonym to my own,
So imagine how I felt when I found the denouement ended in a tragic way,
That was worthy of mourners’ tears and a Shakespeare play,

I’ll tell you a secret if you promise not to think me insane,
Everyday I sit in my room,
Looking through page by page,
Just praying that just once it’ll all end a different way,

Written by K.A.S.