Only You

You found out I liked you,
You said you liked me back,
You never did anything
didn't want any relationship drama,
You just wanted to stay friends,
I said I was fine with that,
But I was wrong

I remember every conversation we had
everything we did together
everything about you

I think of you day and night
I see you in my dreams whether I'm asleep or awake
Whenever I'm somewhere I need to pay attention,
All I can think about is you
You are everywhere but, at the same time no where
You live thousands of miles from me,
I can't see, can't talk to you
Yet all I think about is YOU

I want to tell you everything
how much I like being around you
how right it was when I was in your arms
Tell you that I'm falling for you
I can't,
I'm afraid to know your answer

you might go away completely,
While I'm here thinking of only you
I won't be able to let you go,
Un-able to find someone else,
there is no one else like you
No one can make me feel the way i feel with you,

You give me a warmth inside,
When you look at me, I melt
I feel safe when I'm with you,
When your around I can't remember any problems
Maybe one day I'll be able to tell you all of this
I wait till that day you will hopefully feel the same way for me