The Angel I'll Always Know

To you, I feel it's true
A sudden cloud has replaced the hope inside of you
I may be absurdly incorrect
But if you do read this, please understand this hopelessly romantic dialect
I believe that, unless you tell me to pardon, the arms and love are open for you
Do not worry yourself with my emotions on this because that really won't suffice
I can honestly say I would like your happiness over my own
No matter who you're with, you'll seem to always be mine
Not in a drastic way or psychotic cling
Just in a way that is an innocently serious show of devotion
If you're eyes come across these words, I bid that you show no alarm
I never believe I'll even imagine a life without your starring role in it
My heart is always yours, Angel
To some I may seem like one who is pathetic and desperate
Then again it seems we never will be able to escape criticism
Because people always have loved to point out ones flaws
But I can assure you my loyalty is not of desperation to have someone of my own
I would actually consider myself independent and self-sufficient
And this loyalty and love is something I feel you've earned and deserve
Because, in this time period, you've helped me grow
In your eyes I can see skies
All of which the clouds seem to be positive and loving
I know no evil bone in your body, but I know you the best
We are not close physically, but mentally we're Siamese
Don't take these words in electron way please
I am not kicking you out of any door or window in my life
I am nearly informing you to not let guilt cloud your path to happiness
That you may walk out of the door if your heart tells you to
Because there shall always be a welcome mat on the floor for you
The doors are always screaming open
The windows never shall shut
You'll always be let in
I am just writing this to let you know that I love you more than anything
Really, I very much mean that in every expression that would allow me to be sane
Know this and believe this
You'll forever be an angel in my eyes.