Joyous Sun, Paper Moon

Joyous sun, paper moon;
The recovery of stillness and dying too soon.
Keep me warm in your arms, lets just touch the sky;
Kiss me breathless, I'll just hide when I cry.
Rain follows us on adventures far and wide;
I drink you in until I'm swollen inside.
Fear not the coming of autumn pregnant with melancholy
You have me now to experience childish folly.

In the joyous sun, beneath the paper moon;
You'll find I'm waiting in stillness, and dying too soon.
But you can give me warmth while summer licks our skins;
And I'll give you meaning by the time this ends.
I have loved you for a day, and I will love you for an infinity more;
See for yourself darling, doesn't this heart look sore?
♠ ♠ ♠
No, Boyfriend and I have not broken up, nor do we plan to. Recent poetry is signaling that due to my imminent departure from my hometown to Denver, CO--easily a thousand miles away from where I am now. As you could probably tell, it just taps into a lot of my insecurities.