
Time flows endlessly forward.
It carries us from one state to another.
It gives us duration;
But brings us to the void.
A cold, heartless killer,
Time will inevitably end you.
But as it kills, it also gives eternal life.
We achieve this eternal life through memories.

Ah memories.
They’re a funny thing, you know?
By traversing the twisted paths that pepper our brains,
We can travel to any point in time.

And as we near the void,
In our final minutes attached to this earth,
Time dilates for us.
We become stranded in an infinite loop,
Able to explore our memories for what feels like eternity.

You see, it’s impossible to perceive your own death.
To the observer, our bodies cease to live at a definite time.
We leave behind a carbon shell and nothing more.
But to the dying soul, we grow ever closer to the void,
And never reach it.
Time passes infinitely slower for us as we approach death.
In our final moments we never really know we’ve died.
Rather, we become consumed by memories, re-experiencing our whole lives.

So cherish all of the wonders that time provides,
For they will be the only thoughts that comfort you,
As you crawl towards eternal peace.
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I hope i'm not getting too obscure with my ideas here.