
I feel something coursing through my veins
Making me wince
Making me laugh when I don't need to
I question what's real

It's something that no one can see by looking at me
It's a feeling
A sensation that burns my head with sudden desire
I've never wanted to be different
I just always wanted to be good

Usually I see the world as my own personal hell
Sing me a lullaby to fall asleep
I'll be in the same place
Because while it's my hell;
It is their playground

Sometimes my fingertips tingle
They'll brush my lips,
A habit out of nervousness
I cover my mouth
Afraid the secrets will pour out

Sometimes my eyes;
They see things
And my head rolls back
And I look again
And they aren't there anymore

I look perfectly normal
But I hear things
I'm sensitive to the world
My mind wanders at a hundred miles per hour
And I worry more then a human being should

I feel different presences around me
They make me feel different
I get shaky
Sometimes I shut my eyes tight
Sometimes I cover my ears

There's no point I'm trying to make
But the sensitivity
Sometimes it feels amazing
Sometimes it makes me break.