No one cared.

No one cared.
So go ahead, watch them.
shove the gun in their mouths.
slice their wrists in two.
hang themselves.
Jump off buildings for the world to see.
drop the blowdryer.
jump in front of a moving car.
Pop those pills.
Walk in front of that train.

No one cared.
You just wanted to mess with them.
Spread rumors.
Kick them.
Punch them.
Insult them.
violate them.
Harass them.
Choke them.
Embarrass them.
Humiliate them.
"Joke around" with them.
Bully them.

No one cared.
Imagine their families.
Their actual friends.
Seeing them.
Mutilated on their bedroom floor.
bloodied on the couch.
Hanging from the ceiling fan.
Splattered on the road.
Fried in the bathtub.
Crushed by two tons of pressure.
Not breathing.
Limbs scattered everywhere.

No one cared.
Not knowing their background story.
Abuse at home.
Not enough money.
Medical Problems.
Suicidal thoughts.
Struggling for grades.
Lack of Love.
Single Parent.

No one cared.
Look back at everyone.
Everyone cared.
YOU didn't.