The Trinity

Sometimes, I'll pause to look between
The baby blues and hazel-green,
The curly brown and straightened gold,
And remember that we've grown so old.

Sometimes, I'll pause and think of how
We seemed a team, as we do now,
With baby cheeks and craving eyes
And those times seem so televised

And we've all grown into the way
We know just what we each will say
And know the words by inch, by shelves,
We know each other as ourselves.

And there is no doubt in my mind
That we can ace this test of time
That we can race infinity
Forever as our trinity.
♠ ♠ ♠
i have a few best friends, and you know who you are,
but this one is for two that i've known since middle school drama clubs,
because, despite graduation and college, i know we'll find our way back to each other.
eventually and always. i love you girls. <3