How You Make Me Feel

This is how you make me feel

Like how I could kiss you forever and never again need air
As if Aphrodite herself has blessed me with her love; I am a God
This is how you make me feel

Like how I no longer need feet to walk, I have wings to fly
As if everything else no longer mattered; except you and I
This is how you make me feel

Like how we could be forever intertwined; I’m Tom and you’re Jerry
As if not even Disney romances can match our own
This is how you make me feel

Like how our forbidden love makes Twilight seem like rabbits in heat
As if our desire is stronger than a fat kid eating cake
This is how you make me feel

Like how I just smoked a hundred joints, but your high still shoots me off the world
As if not even the finest angel dust could make me feel as good and blissful as you
This is how you make me feel

Like how a feast of humans have been presented to a cannibal; Devouring
As if a pedophile has found a flock of kids, alone, with nobody else in sight; Joyous
This is how you make me feel
♠ ♠ ♠
Any and every comment/feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated :)
Thank you for reading (^u^)