One More pill

This pill can't possibly harm
more than life itself
more filled with a complex charm
after all it's for good health
swallow down the sweet relief
and gather the sweet effect
more like love than belief
that this life has wrecked

one more pill can't traumatise
makes this nightmare
seem more like lies
for the smiles we wear
to hide the truth
project an image
of a better youth

one more pill won't impaire
to be real
who could care
ignore the feel
of a slowing heart
mark these words
like a dying art

Perhaps if one more pill could ache
then no more
would I wake
to the pain in store
that waits in hiding
ready to scar
always blinding

One more pill and I comprehend
that heart beats slow
right to the end
no more could I know
that this is relief
is sweet and right
a bitter belief
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not exactly known for writing anything positive am I? Oh well, comments appreciated as always