Who cares?

Who cares about life anyways?
Life is just a big boring maze.
Who cares about things like music?
When all it does is make you sick.
Who cares about having friends?
They are just a bunch of loose ends.
Who cares about having pets?
When you have to spend a bunch on vets.
Who cares about having true love?
When all they do to you is shove.
Shove you away into a small corner,
Your lover is dying, but you won't warn her.
She came to you out of all other men,
Even though your kill count is over ten.
You murder to feel stronger,
At least, for a little longer.
Because you don't care about anything,
And that pain is lingering.
The pain of an entire lifetime,
A life of pain and that life is mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: I have never literally killed anyone.