She's Gone. Get Over It.

She's gone, but she's coming back. You see her as the one you ounce knew, But that side of her is gone. I wont come back. Since I died over and over again, It allowed me to be reborn. For any of you that will judge me when I return, thinking i may still be who i was before, you may be partly right, But this time, I know who i am unlike before. I am the girl who does not know who she is. And that is my identity. I will never know who i am...And thats what allows me to be whatever you think i am. This time, I walk out of the shadows. I will never Care or show my pain from your words any longer. My resurrection In this new world, turned me into someone stronger. I will never go back to suffer all the pain i hide inside me. Instead, I will enjoy it and live. You will never see me as a shy, innocent, NORMAL person again. Instead You will see me as the animanian.
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the evolution of animanian
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