What I Want to Say to Her

I wait and wait for a time I think is okay to talk to you,
some day's I tell my self don't text her first you're going to annoy her.
so I wait for a text, when I comes if it dose I smile.
some times I want to make a smart remark so something but I wont.
I don't want to make you mad.
I don't want you to hate me for it.
There are times when I cant take it and type something to send to you
Something like "I love you, I really do. I know you say you love me too but it can't be true.. You have someone to love. I wish I could have you but I can't. Now with that said I'm going to go."
I want to be able to tell you this, but I can't.
I just needed to clear my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
about the same person as always.. ha. >.>