Dark Clouds

Trees vibrating in the wind,
their swaying and yearning for the light.
Each second, each moment, each motion;
in the wind.
Over the breeze carries,
it's warmth and gracing touch for the leaves;
in the trees.
Leaves turning in the sunlight,
a green entity urging for the light.
Living and dying the fleeting life,
feels each motion for the wind,
in the sunlight.
Dark Clouds.
Dark Clouds overbearing in swelling wrath,
shrouding the earth from its warmth and life.
Sunlight, only to find shadowed figures overtaking.
Overtaking the grasp, overbearing the weight, overbearing the wrath;
in the wind.
In the wind to take control,
giant gashes pierce the sky.
Trees feel the coming in the sky,
Their swaying and yearning cries.
Every sound, Every wavelength, every particle;
from the clouds.
Embraced in the possession in the storm,
relentless pounding undertaking the vengeance.
Hailing unearths a few, anger winds strip the bark, devastating water drowns;
From a fury of ancient anguish and curling shrieks.
Ripping, lashing winds hurl colossal fury,
sharp tensed swelling and rotting masses fall.
None to know the moment's sunlight.
Only to feel the motion spitting.
Massive white lights fire upon the many,
one lone strike to fuse masses fall.
Raging orange extends through the forest,
a never ending rapture.
Each leaf engulfed, each tree ignited, each wind slashed.
in the fire.
Moaning groans in the wind,
showered pitiful rhymes.
Through the pain and the endurance,
beneath the earth's rumbles.
Pelting fireice strained jagged roots,
breaking every branch;
in the fire.
Settling in the breeze came a haunting silence,
every withered leaf, every broken rot, every splintered oak.
Still, the only sound to be heard,
in the trees.
Clouds return confused in the wind,
no trees remain to their cries.
Each second, each moment, each motion;
in the wind.
Only to return to the barren ground and shriveled remains,
spreading showers upon the earth.
Nothing belonging to them anymore,
in the wind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one thought to be heard. What if you knew the coming but did nothing? The trees sway, the trees thrive, and the trees reach out for the rain. Clouds release the growth into the ground and the trees release the fragrance in the wind. To always want more, to always know peace, and to find contempt in the sound of the wind. Then clouds overtake the raging fury of the mountains and release hatred and anger upon the trees......always to come back to wonder why no more was left.....always to know what was done was their doing.