Just Friends

I guess this is how it’s going to be
I guess this is what just friends is like
It’s okay, I get it now
Just friends means we don’t talk everyday
Or even every week
It means no more touching at all
Not even a hug when I need it
It means no more alone time with just us
It will be too hard, I know
It means no more thinking of you
Especially in a more than friends way
It means we can see other people
And I can’t be jealous of anyone you’re with
Just friends means I can no longer cry myself to sleep
I can no longer hug my knees and pretend you’re there
I can no longer want you as anything more than
Just friends
I should be happy
Ecstatic actually
That I still have you in my life at all
That you’re not completely gone
Maybe I’m just selfish
Because I want more than just friends
I would rather have you as a friend
Than not in my life at all
But I’m not sure if I’ll ever see you as
Just a friend