The Fallen

Look at the world through the eyes of the fallen
From those who had nobody to catch them
From those who took the risk and jumped
Or simply from those who were knocked down
The world to those who have fallen is dark
The world looks hopeless, lifeless
Some may think they have fallen in a ditch
Sometimes it seems impossible to rise again
And sometimes it really is impossible
Some of the fallen have been here before
They may know the ground beneath them well
Some have already started to build their grave
Because if you're on the ground,
Sometimes the only direction to go is further down
But the fallen all have something in common
They all fell because there was nobody to catch them
Nobody to save them from hitting the ground
And now there's nobody to pick them back up
Some of the fallen have found peace with the ground
A home, an old friend, a sanctuary
Others may cry out desperately for help
But their muffled sounds will go unheard
So look at the world through the eyes of the fallen
Everything looks different from the ground