You, Him, And What I Wish

I don't know why this hurts; I know I don't want it too
I miss him so much; it kills me to see him with you
He lives so far away, but you and your boy are right here
I'm jealous of you my friend, because yours is so near

You laugh and say how I have all those boys at my finger tips
Haven't you figured he's the only one who makes my heart skip?
I know you mean no harm; you just know how to pick 'em
But you don't know how much it hurts, knowing I can't be with him

If he lived a little closer, or I moved farther out there
Maybe if my luck was better, or if life were fair
You don't know how much I wish he was close
But he's far and I can't leave, I guess God only knows

I wish you could understand, just so I could talk to you about it
But the fact is you don't, you've never had this commitment
It's difficult to not see each other every day, to not be able to hold each other close
All I want is to see him, to hold him, I don't care if it's not what matters most

But the distance has started to hurt him; he doesn't think he will make it through
I just want him to hang in there, please God tell me what to do
You already started picking a new guy for me, but I can't let go so fast
Fact is I still want him here, I want to make us last

Now what's done is done, he's given up all hope
He wants to move on, but I don't think I can cope
No one see how much I hurt, I can't even tell you this
I don't want the one you picked; I want the one I miss

I think maybe when he sees me; maybe he'll change his mind
I hope when I go to visit, I can put this catastrophe on rewind
Every day in class I dream of him walking through the door
Telling me he was wrong, and that he can't take it anymore

I know it will never happen, and you would think so too
But when I walk down the hallways its always with him...and you
I see you together and I wish me and him could have that
But this is how it is, and this is just where my life is at