Write Something

Write something.
Something insightful and wise.
Teach us something about ourselves that we don't already know.
Everything has already been said.
Everything has already been done.
I know about myself all that there is to know.
I am a fool.
A stupid, idiotic fool with nothing but foolish romantic ideals.
A hopeless dreamer.
Spinning and weaving delusions for the sole purpose of torturing myself.
So write something.
Something that doesn't slice.
Something that doesn't burn.
Spin something for us that mends the soul and
Knits the fragmented mind together again.
Sew the gossamer essence of the heart together from the nightmares I've constructed for myself.
Black pools, thick shadows, carnivorous smiles...
I drown in my own mind,
Do you really think you can pull us in on your words?
What makes you so capable?
We're too lost.
But by all means, try.
Write something.
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