Lights Up, Center Stage


Reveal a boy and girl
A tentative friendship built on a past relationship.
Back then we didn't know
What the future would hold,
But this first scene will set up the next few months.

Show a little more emotion
Move into the spotlight
Enunciate your feelings

The boy offers a small smile that the girl returns.
A trusting starting, a friendship strengthening.
Enter another boy and girl.
Supporting roles make a play, and best friends make a life.

Remember your blocking,
Manipulate your voice
To make this the perfect production.

Comic relief at lunch
When the rest of the cast is introduced.
Open scene two, downstage right.
Boy holds girl, this pivotal moment to make or break.
They discuss their past
And the possibility of a future together.
The right things are said in the end,
So we seal this little promise with a kiss.

Act one continues, the actors performing effortlessly,
The crowd ooohs and ahhhs at the right points,
Laughing at the friendships
And loving their relationship.
A small de-railing occurs when the first 'I love you'
Goes unanswered
But the girl finds her voice
Much to the relief of the audience.

End scene three and four.
Intermission is closing in.
The couple glides over the time
Riding the highs and lows like professionals,
Showing everyone just how real they can make things seem.
But everyone's heart starts breaking
When the boy has no choice but to leave,
having outgrown these high school scenes.
The two make promises
And hold each other tight.
The lighting is dim and daunting
As the audience watches with heavy hearts
The two saying goodbye.

End scene five.
We're left with a cliffhanger
But there's still plenty of time for the two.
It's only intermission.


Lights up, center stage.
The set shows two lives
Separated by empty stage
A cold space, quiet, black, uninviting.
Girl sits in this void, wondering what she's done
And how she's managed to get her self alone.
The show must go on.
Even though everyone's yearning for more comic relief
None comes
The two are broken, the four that once made the group
Is also no more.
So the hearts just get heaver
And the space between colder.

Its time to end this anxiety, the play's almost over,
The happy ending must be near.
There's a slip.
A mistake.
A monologue, and the girl forgets her lines.
We must enter the boy early to save the scene.

Enter boy.
Enter boy.
Enter boy.

A forgotten line,
A missed entrance.
This isn't a play.
This is life, and I'm onstage alone
Not knowing what to say
While everyone sits and watches
I'm waiting on your entrance that will never come.

The lights are too bright
I'm here past curtain call
All the roses are wilted

Wanting to go back to a perfect scene,
Take the script and write in a freeze
Making statues of perfection forever admired.
But this isn't a play.
There's no pauses for soliloquies about how much I care.
The show can''t go on.
Cut sound.
Black out.