Best Friend

Paige, i love you
i miss you so much
i dont mean this in a bad way
but to me your like a crutch,

you have your own share of problems
but still your always there,
to help me up and calm me down
to show me that you care.

All the while in your head
theres a battle raging inside
you start to burn with anger
and you start to believe the lies.

You cant help but underestimate
all the beauty that you hold.
your gorgeous inside and out,
along with a heart of gold.

So many people have stolen from you,
some things you can never get back.
Theyve left within you a deep deep darkness
that lurks in the places love lacks.

Just like me you want to be saved
we both need a savior but in a different way.
Me from the monster in my life,
and you from the monster in your self-

saying your too broken and worthless
that all you do is cry,
bombing you with feeling s of
self hate and the want to die.

But please baby listen to me,
dont believe the lies!
I hear the words you dont say
and i hear your cries.

So please darling
I know you can stay strong,
without the things your turning to
theyll only do you wrong.

Although were separated by 2,000 miles
you never fail to make me smile.
You give me hope for a better day
where nothings fucked up and everything's okay.

Until then, promise you wont leave
and i will try and give you
everything you need.
I know im really needy but just forgive me please..

You mean more to me than life itself,
its perfect okay to ask for help.
Hun, your precious, and im with you to the end.
K, i love you, talk to you later best friend(: