The Rain Beneath my Eyes

Once on has fallen,
can they ever really stand up?
Will they relapse on old habits,
but still try to get up?

Or will thou fall,
snap like a twig,
break from the forces,
another will bring.

Can this,will this,
be everlasting?
This pain and sorrow,
from ones so-called attacking.

Nothing happened,
nothing was heard,
but the war went on,
as if was assured.

But deep inside,something was heard,
it came from all directions,
the sound came from,
my own reflection.

Deepeer than a knife will ever go,
and unwillingly accepting the final blow,
against my own heart's desire,
at least this time it wont show.

Shrieking and screaming,
foe anfter foe,
can I hold them back,
or will I let them grow?

I never wanted this,
the curse I hold,
demons are much tougher,
than you will ever know.

It's just a little thing,
but my mind over reacts,
maybe if it never happened,
my mind woul not attack.

The self destruct button,
it's right at my feet,
do I push it?
Or do I retreat?