The Fairytale Unfolds

In the end
He got the girl
And they lived happily ever after
It's strange to imagine being her
The all iconic "girl"
The one the guy fights for
And wards off all other competition for
"The girl" that everybody wants
That all other girls strive to be
In any great movie or novel or tale
There always seems to be "that girl"
And how wonderful it must be to be her
And I think I am
You fought for me
And steered all other guys away
You made yourself known
And in the end you've made me fall
Which I will admit, is not an easy thing to do
But you did it
You got the girl
You got me
But now that you've won me over
What are you going to do now
How are you going to continue the story
This story needs a happy ending
And winning the girl is only the first chapter
It's not how every fairytale or story ends
It's the beginning to whole new one