
The nursery rhyme says "rain, rain. go away."
But of course the rain will come anyway.
That's what it feels like when you come around.
I want you gone so I can continue to play in the sun.
But you don't seem to understand how you cut me and scared me.
How you neglected and abused me.
Never caring how it would affect me.
You'd leave huge craters in my being, then smooth over the surface to put me on display for the whole world to see.
'Ooh' and 'Aah' they would all coo enthusiastically.
'Look at how pretty the little girl-doll!' they'd say.
For that is all I was to you.
A porcelain doll to be kept on a shelf and out of the way.
Displayed only when it suited you best.
Any other time you saw me as a hindrance.
Because who wants to be burdened by a fragile little doll.
It cramps you style majorly only having one hand free.
The other hand holding onto me.
But oh no, you need both hands for yourself.
So I, once again, was placed on the shelf.
But that little doll is a real girl now.
And though I sometimes feel you trying to creep back into my psyche, I will never be a girl-doll again.
And I am told I should forgive.
But in this case, I can not forgive if I do not forget.
And everytime yo try worming you way back into my life I'm that much less likely to forgive.
So go on and live your life without hindrance from me.
I assure you, I will be living mine without hindrance from you.