Box Of Misery

Caged inside

This hurt and shame

I let you break my heart

But I’m the one to blame

I saw the warning signs

But ignored them with ease

I thought you were someone special

And I caught the love bug like a disease

Too bad I didn’t know

That you couldn’t feel the same

And while it was real to me

For you it was just a game

You walked away

Leaving me shattered on the ground

And I’m picking up the pieces

But some are still yet to be found

And now I found a boy

Who truly and deeply cares

But I can’t return it

Because on my heart, I’m still making repairs

I’m still stuck on you

Even though you’ve hurt me in the past

And I’m still clinging to a sliver of hope

That maybe you won’t hurt me if I give you another chance

But I know deep down

You’ll once again, walk away

And still you’re the one I think about

At the end of the day

Getting over you is going to be hard

Much harder then I thought before

But I promised not to fall for you again

I won’t let you hurt me anymore

So I guess this is it

Our final goodbye

But I’m sorry it has to end like this

Though I really don’t know why

Maybe one day I’ll move on

And be with a boy who loves me for me

But for now

I’ll just try to clean out my box of misery
♠ ♠ ♠
A really old poem but I thought I'd post i up