Stupid People

Stupid people irritate me so fucking bad
And you're the biggest dumbass I know.
Everytime you utter a single word
Your lack of intelligence shows more and more
So how about you shut the fuck up.
You're so stupid, you know?
Calling me the liar when you're the biggest bullshitter I know.
You go on and talk about how I'm insensitive
Yet you spout shit that's not even true wherever you go.
My heart burns with passionate fury whenever I hear the stupid shit you say.
You think you're so damn wise
And you don't even know what you're talking about.
Being honest and sincere isn't being insensitive.
You're just a fucking pussy cause trust me,
It could always be worse.
I've always meant what I said
But I doubt you can say the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
WARNING: CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE. Don't say I didn't warn ya!