The Beach

People change, they always do,
Animals and plants; all organisms,
We can't help it,nobody can,
It's just nature,

Yet one thing always seemed to stay the same,
I could depend on it year after year to be there,
Always warm, delightful, made me feel great,
Never straying from it's expected path,

The sun's rays beating down on my face, keeping me hot,
Sounds of gulls barking for food,
Waves, so loud, crashing behind me to their own rhythm,
The grains of sand between my toes

Then the sun begins to set, and I cool down,
Sea gulls take to their nests,
The waves seem fainter now,
And I know it's time to return to the ever-changing world,

Still, I leave happy, feeling relieved,
People can be generous and wonderful,
But like everything else, they can change as well,
With the beach, I have something never changing,

It doesn't reject me from it's sandy shore,
The waves don't kick me out and coerce me into leaving,
The sun doesn't force me out of its heat,
And the gulls don't chase me from my spot,

I miss when things were easy,
More friends, less problems, nicer life,
Now I appreciate things more,
The beach is the only unchanging friend I have

It's not all bad,
But when I leave the beach, I know in my heart,
A part of me stays behind, just waiting,
For the moment when I return and forget about everything yet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this when I was like nine or ten I believe. I think I wrote it when I was sad because I had lost a lot of friends in the move to middle school because we had all changed, but then I went on vacation and realized it wasn't something to get upset about. I edited one or two words out of habit, but kept it mostly the same out of courtesy to my younger self.