poetry and bone, beauty and grace: a love story

The boy made of poetry and bone held onto the girl of beauty and grace
And they danced to their own music, twirled to their own love
And he whispered the truth and she heard his lies
It’s different now, he screams in vain
But she’s already gone, in a snowstorm the color of his cocaine.

The boy made of youth and mistakes lost his girl of beauty and grace
The memory of her touch in his dreams and her laugh in his mind
He faced the mirror to try to change
And he realized the boy staring back was someone strange.

The boy made of new perspective and change found his girl of beauty and grace
And with the set of her jaw and curve of her spine he realized she had become someone new
And in his smile and speech she realized he was not the boy she once knew
He took her hand with all the grace she still seemed to possess
And she giggled with all the youth he had first turned into a mess.

The man of new perspective and change loved his woman of beauty and grace
And the woman of beauty and grace loved her man of new perspective and change
As she always had
And her fingers ran over the bones shielding his heart
He treated her love like a work of art.

The man still made of poetry and bone saved his woman of beauty and grace
A combination of lullabies and kisses and hope and late night caresses
She held onto his pale skin and he made sure her arms were wrapped tight
And he whispered unbreakable promises and unfathomable sentiments in her ear
And she listens and smiles, says nothing back but don’t you ever disappear.

The man of poetry, perspective, bone, and change held onto the woman of beauty and grace like he was still a boy and she a girl
Though the years had changed the tune they twirled to
It was still unmistakably
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally written in 2009.