im sorry...

i don't know what i did, but it had to be bad.
bad enough to get treated like this by you.
i don't know what i did, but I'll tell you I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for any pain i caused.
I'm sorry for any stress i added to you.
I'm sorry i was your mistake and not someone else's.
i don't know what i did to make you hate me.
i was always told there's nothing like the connection.
the connection that a daughter and father are supposed to have.
i see it, i see how you are with her..
is that it daddy?
is she better then me?
I'm sorry she isn't your real daughter and i am...
I'm sorry you had to have me instead of someone else...
I'm sorry I'm not your perfect daughter.
I'll take the pain you cause...
the yelling, the cursing.
even the saying that I'm nothing...
nothing but a mistake that shouldn't have happened...
I'm sorry that mommy left you.
i know you blame me..
i used to hear you talking to sissy about it...
about how it was only after i was born that things went bad...
i hope that one day you'll forgive me...
forgive me for anything that i did wrong...
but for now ill take you yelling, cursing, and sometimes the hitting..
as long as your happy...
its ok, because i have my razors...
they seem to help...
the blood and pain that i know you'd love if you watched it...
i know you'll love it because that's all you seem to love about me...
my pain...
so I'm sorry daddy...
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect daughter...
♠ ♠ ♠
this is completely made by me, please don't steal it... its a true little thing about my life.