
You take a hit
and pass it on
your throat burns
the smoke is thick
your eyes droop and itch
everything's like a fish eye lens
and you laugh, a fake laugh, not fake.
But the cause of the laughter is artificial.
You go back to normal.
You take out the bong
and take a long drag
cough, and spit
you get the whiskey
you get the glass
and pour
and drink
and pour
and you feel awful
and full
but you keep drinking
your eyes still heavy
and your head like a lead ball upon your neck
and you start to hate yourself
and this disgusting situation
and everyone's hazy and the world's a globe
but you knew that before, but you see it now
and you can see the rounded edges
and you try to focus and you can't
and the conversations don't make sense
and you start to nod off
you're eyelids heavy and your body clumsy
you drift to sleep
and in the morning
your head is pounding
and you want to sleep
and you need to wash your face
and you look around at the mess
and feel repulsed
and you clean and scrub
and you shower and the water's scalding hot
and you rip your skin off with the soap and the sponge
trying to get clean
and you sit in the tub, the shower head pounding hot water onto your body
and you feel sick
and you want it out of you
the filth
and you're sad
and you've come down
a horrible awakening
to go from high as hell to rock bottom