Lifeless Outside

Here I sit and write this poem
Thinking of all I love and hate
Knowing suicide is my fate
I think of all the times I used to laugh
now I wish to just be dead
How can so much misery come into my life
Leaving me with these horrid thoughts of ending my own life
Crying every night is not the way to life
I'm just a teenage, practically just a kid
I should be hanging out with my friends
But I'm haunted by my own thoughts
Will anyone care when I'm gone?
With nothing left but these thoughts
And this little poem telling everyone
I committed suicide
But this time no one was there to save me
Just save your little tears
This was my decision its what I wanted
I'm happy now
I hope you have a good life unlike me
This pain will finally disintegrate inside me
As my body slowly becomes lifeless outside