A New Kinda Pain

Don't deny it my friend
It's gonna suck you in
Break you apart
Grab your legs begging you to give in
It's gonna show you a new way
To cope with the pain
Show you more than you can gain
Give you a life you so despirtley want
Pull you down and make you break
Make you wish your life was fake
And as i tell you this tale of bitter truth,
Show you a life you don't want to lose
Give you the chance you want to chose
I can't gaurantee your happiness
or promide you, you'll be with bliss
But i can promise you'll make a wish
Whether you're right or wrong, i will not know
or gaurantee you a perfect show
♠ ♠ ♠
Dont be afraid to comment and critize! heck to more negative feed back the better! let me know if i need to fix anything and if you have good things to say about it then yay! it means im doing something right :D