
Why is it that I say sorry when I don’t mean it?
Why is it that I have to stop crying?
Why is it that I have to be the strong one?
Why is it that I’m actually very weak?
Why is it I’m the one you push so hard?
Don’t tell me it’s because you believe in me most
We both know you’re lying there.

Why is it that I have to have the leveled head?
Why is it that I don’t get what I want?
Why is it that I take my anger out on you?
Because we both know that maybe true
But don’t tell me you don’t do it to

Why is it that I’m not allowed to break?
Why is it that I’m the one that has to be brave?
Why is it that I have to keep the sorrow in?
Why is it that I have to trap it in this bottle
and wait for it to blow?
So don’t get angry at me for screaming
at anything for no reason
And don’t act as if you don’t know
that you’re the one that’s making me so

Why is it that I have to be quite when I
just want to scream?
Why is it that I have to hide behind an
emotionless mask?
Why is it that I hide my sorrow?
Why is it that you make me feel like dirt?
Because I already did this once
You’re the one that said you would save me

Why is it that you couldn’t keep your promise just once….
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you enjoyed reading this! Don't ne afraid to comment and please by all means criticize it and tell me what i need to practice and work on! :D