I Never Thought I'd Lose Him

i never thought i could lose you.
i thought you would of been with me forever,
but then a shot rang,
and that forever turned to never,
crimson on my cheek,
my knees went weak,
loving you never even occured,
because it came so naturally,
i miss the way you laughed and smiled,
the way your face looked so kind when you went to sleep,
the way you always picked me up like a child,
those are the things i think of whenever my eyes shut,
i died with you,
my heart is in the same rut,
i never knew...
what my life would be without you,
but now it's occured,
it's like my vision on life has blurred,
the gun fired and took you away,
i lied with you wanting to go with you that day,
without you this place isn't a home,
my heart is no longer beating it has turned into stone...

I love you,
my angel,
my boyfriend,
my husband,
my best friend,
my heart....
you'll never be forgotten...
even if this world falls apart.