Whose to Judge

What gives the right to a person to judge and call a person a freak, a nerd, a loser, a goth, an emo, or weird?
Why do they have the right to judge when they know nothing about the person but only how they dress and what they do to pass the time.
Inside, the ones that judge, they are afraid of the ones they judge.
They are afraid of them because they show what they are and they don't because they wish to fit in with the 'in crowd'.
They have no right to judge if they can't show what they are in the inside like the ones that they judge.
They are the ones that should be judged by the ones that they judge because they are to afraid of there own self!
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I got bored and started thinking about my 10th grade year and how people were judging me based on what I was wearing and what I was doing.