Ode to Lightning

I watch the sky as rain begins to fall
Your blinding boldness beautiful and bright
You are like a tower of light so tall
Come closer, O Heaven’s great shining light
I have to stop hiding and face the truth
Rain flowed and washed away all my trouble
And again I view your luminescence
Your twinkling gleam I admired from youth
Source of hope when my life lay in rubble
Oh my savior, light of evanescence

I wait for you as day turns into night
You faithfully wash away my sorrows
Your blinding boldness beautiful and bright
Now I can dream for better tomorrows
A gift just for me from the mighty Zeus
Your radiance a sweet smelling perfume
A weight off my shoulders has been lifted
A vast joy for which there is no excuse
Pain and sadness it begins to consume
My perspective of life has been shifted

Light of life, you powerful enchantress
Your blinding boldness beautiful and bright
Your miracles I will always profess
All pessimism removed from my sight
I will be your disciple forever
Teaching others to live life with a dream
To escape from the grim purgatory
And not to be depressed whatsoever
A world where melancholy reigns supreme
The elite few will live in your glory
♠ ♠ ♠
I love the challenge of writing an ode. I believe its poetry at its finest.