Feeing like I Don't Belong

I don't belong here,
Im just a waste,
Of all your precious space.

I lend you my ears,
And my hands,
But I still don't feel like I belong here.

I am the one thing you hate,
You don't want me here,
I am not needed,
Give me away to another's hand,
I am juggled around unwanted.

I am like that one piece of evidence that will destroy your peace,
Well I understand,
You want me to leave,
Then I shall go.

I will not waste another moment of your precious time,
I understand no need to glare,
I am gone from your life,
Like a star past its time.

No need to worry,
I am gone.

Just as long as you don't look at the sky you see,
I'm unwanted just a drab,
So refuse to look at the sky,
Because you might see me.

The last of my calling cards,
The last of me,
Rejoice you are finally freed.

But the past comes back,
You see,
No one can truly erase me.

But I am just the whisper in the winds,
I'm all around you,
But I'm not around you.

Im crazy you see,
So place me out of my misery,
So that I can leave,
And greet my light,

Others wont believe you,
Many will think your insane,
But insanity my friend is some thing to share.

I honestly hate my life,
I'm busy all the time,
I'm nothing but a screw up,
So you have the right to be unkind.

I wont blame you if you hate me,
I deserve this kind of pain,
Nothing less then what I deserve,
And give me all that hate that you can make,
Im worthless,
Nothing more then a nuesence,
And make others angry with my attitude.

Please just end this for me,
I ask for nothing more of you,
Many, many grieve but few would actually care,
I was only entertainment for those who knew me,
Im a disgrace.

I accept people always being angry at me,
Im stupid and worthless,
And have only become a hitch.

I wont bother you any more,
With my stupidity and other things,
I have no fear,
So do me away it is what I need.

My poems,
Make no sense,
To those who read them,
But thank you for reading them,
You might possibly,
Show that you care.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a poem about my current life