Hide from insanity.

hide from it
cave into yourself
murky waves of your guilt
mask the scent of the invasion
it crawls over your skin
itchy like spiders
you cant scratch it off
because its all in your mind
this insanity overflows
and pours out of the color that's left in your eyes
it's like a final breath over and over
it pricks your skin
you drip. drip. to nothing
its inescapable no matter how much you dig
clawing out of the gray
that you buried yourself in
until your claws scrape off
and you're forced to eat them
they tear through you
because you are so desperate to feel
something other than desperate
to peel off your skin
and be nothing but gone
but you will always be clawing
reeking of invasion
never gone and
always here trying to be gone